In 1917, Western Front, Ypres, a soldier wakes up in a damp, dark basement. And he can't remember anything. But his nightmare doesn't end there. He is tried and found guilty of cowardice, impersonating a fellow soldier and theft. With time slipping away, Chris Ransom must try to remember the events, so that he can clear his name and save himself.
In 1917, Western Front, Ypres, a soldier wakes up in a damp, dark basement. And he can't remember anything. But his nightmare doesn't end there. He is...
When foreign governments act like gangsters, a new kind of SAS is needed . For SAS staff sergeant Josh Bowman, whose young family was brutally murdered by an Albanian crime gang, it's a chance for revenge - and to bury his secret opioid addiction. But the Russians have only just begun.
When foreign governments act like gangsters, a new kind of SAS is needed . For SAS staff sergeant Josh Bowman, whose young family was brutally murdere...
V knize SAFE bývalý voják SAS Chris Ryan mluví o zkušenostech se zachováním osobní bezpečnosti, které získal v době své služby u Pluku SAS. Jeho kniha na příkladech skutečných teroristických útoků z poslední doby, jako byl pumový útok na fotbalovém stadionu v Manchesteru, útok autem a noži na Londýnském mostě, nebo střelba na pláži v Tunisku vysvětluje, jak se mají lidé zachovat, pokud se ocitnou v obdobných situacích. Čtenáři se dozvědí, co je třeba dělat pro to, aby zůstali v bezpečí v ulicích města, ve svém autě, při teroristických...
V knize SAFE bývalý voják SAS Chris Ryan mluví o zkušenostech se zachováním osobní bezpečnosti, které získal v době své služby u Pluku S...
Tasked with storming mountain strongholds in the desert. Trained to hunt down the world's most wanted terrorists. This is the extraordinary story of 22 SAS.
Tasked with storming mountain strongholds in the desert. Trained to hunt down the world's most wanted terrorists. This is the extraordinary story of 2...
The ghettos of Colombia are crawling with street kids. Their life expectancies are short, not least because the Colombian authorities allow paramilitaries to shoot them like rats. But it's with the street kids of Colombia that the cadets must become embedded.
The ghettos of Colombia are crawling with street kids. Their life expectancies are short, not least because the Colombian authorities allow paramilita...