Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two decades, narratological research has mainly focused on its manifestations in narrative fiction, particularly in homodiegetic or first-person narration. Except for film, forms and functions of unreliable narration in other genres, media and disciplines have so far been relatively neglected. The present volume redresses the balance by directing scholarly attention to disciplines and domains that narratology has so far largely ignored. It aims at initiating an...
Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two decades, nar...
Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two decades, narratological research has mainly focused on its manifestations in narrative fiction, particularly in homodiegetic or first-person narration. Except for film, forms and functions of unreliable narration in other genres, media and disciplines have so far been relatively neglected. The present volume redresses the balance by directing scholarly attention to disciplines and domains that narratology has so far largely ignored. It aims at initiating an...
Though the phenomenon known as "unreliable narration" or "narrative unreliability" has received a lot of attention during the last two decades, nar...