Introduces the concept of transmuting the physical, emotional, mental and psychic energies people normally disperse in sexual activity. This book includes topics such as: The Creative Primal Serpent; Sexual Energy in Its False and True Light; The Magical Powers of Suggestion; Hypnosis; Mediumship; and, The Urge For Unity and Its Corruptions.
Introduces the concept of transmuting the physical, emotional, mental and psychic energies people normally disperse in sexual activity. This book incl...
Presents concepts which explain the attitudes necessary for the path back to one's self. This book provides an understanding of how to realise the essential source of life. It helps readers learn the authors views on: love; accidents; suffering; destiny; black and white magic; illness; and, self healing and transformation.
Presents concepts which explain the attitudes necessary for the path back to one's self. This book provides an understanding of how to realise the ess...
An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. It reveals her insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, and spiritual development.
An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initia...
Rahvusvaheliselt tuntud vaimse opetaja Elisabeth Haichi unikaalne elulugu haarab mitte ainult tema selle elu lugu, vaid tervet kogemusteseeriat labi paljude kehastuste. Tema detailsed labielamised, nahtuna lapse silmade labi ning hilisemad uleelamised, saavad tema vaimse tee kaivitajaks. Elades kahekumnenda sajandi Euroopas, arkavad temas kauged kirkad malestused puhitsemisest iidses Egiptuses, kus tema opetaja, ulempreester Ptahhotep, teda esoteerilistesse saladustesse puhendab. Raamatus avab Elisabeth Haich oma pohjalikke teadmisi sellest, kui peenelt on labipoimunud karma...
Rahvusvaheliselt tuntud vaimse opetaja Elisabeth Haichi unikaalne elulugu haarab mitte ainult tema selle elu lugu, vaid tervet kogemusteseeriat labi p...