This chronicle and interpretation of recent military and political events in the Dominican Republic analyzes the political behavior of the countryfs armed forces and scrutinizes policies put in action since the nation’s civil war and the subsequent U.S. intervention of 1965. Dr. Atkins covers the course of Joaquin Balaguer’s lengthy presidency, the remarkable events surrounding the 1978 election of President Antonio Guzman, and the first months of Guzman’s administration, with particular attention being given to the role of the armed forces in political processes. In describing the...
This chronicle and interpretation of recent military and political events in the Dominican Republic analyzes the political behavior of the countryfs a...
More than a decade has passed since the publication of the first edition of Latin America in the International Political System. Since then, significant events have occurred in the region, and the nature of Latin America’s international relations has changed considerably. Although the purpose of this text is unchanged—that of providing stude
More than a decade has passed since the publication of the first edition of Latin America in the International Political System. Since then, significa...
The study of Latin American and Caribbean international relations has a long evolution both within the development of international relations as a general academic undertaking and in terms of the particular characteristics that distinguish the approaches taken by scholars in the field. This handbook provides a thorough multidisciplinary reference guide to the literature on the various elements of the international relations of Latin America and the Caribbean. Citing over 1600 sources that date from the nineteenth century to the present, with emphasis on recent decades, the volume's analytic...
The study of Latin American and Caribbean international relations has a long evolution both within the development of international relations as a gen...
The fourth edition of this widely praised text has been thoroughly revised to reflect the evolving characteristics of the current international system that have had a dramatic effect on every aspect of international relations of Latin America and the Caribbean. The original purpose of this book is unchanged: It continues to provide a topically curr
The fourth edition of this widely praised text has been thoroughly revised to reflect the evolving characteristics of the current international system...
This book undertakes a multifaceted examination of South American international relations, emphasising on the continent's new era of domestic and international politics and the implications of the evolving environment for the policies of the many actors participating in the region's politics.
This book undertakes a multifaceted examination of South American international relations, emphasising on the continent's new era of domestic and inte...