Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Herwig Unger, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, Nikolai F. Rulkov, Zhong Li
In essence, the dynamics of real world systems (i.e. engineered systems, natural systems, social systesms, etc.) is nonlinear. The analysis of this nonlinear character is generally performed through both observational and modeling processes aiming at deriving appropriate models (mathematical, logical, graphical, etc.) to simulate or mimic the spatiotemporal dynamics of the given systems. The complex intrinsic nature of these systems (i.e. nonlinearity and spatiotemporal dynamics) can lead to striking dynamical behaviors such as regular or irregular, stable or unstable, periodicity or...
In essence, the dynamics of real world systems (i.e. engineered systems, natural systems, social systesms, etc.) is nonlinear. The analysis of this no...
Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Herwig Unger, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, Nikolai F. Rulkov, Zhong Li
In essence, the dynamics of real world systems (i.e. engineered systems, natural systems, social systesms, etc.) is nonlinear. The analysis of this nonlinear character is generally performed through both observational and modeling processes aiming at deriving appropriate models (mathematical, logical, graphical, etc.) to simulate or mimic the spatiotemporal dynamics of the given systems. The complex intrinsic nature of these systems (i.e. nonlinearity and spatiotemporal dynamics) can lead to striking dynamical behaviors such as regular or irregular, stable or unstable, periodicity or...
In essence, the dynamics of real world systems (i.e. engineered systems, natural systems, social systesms, etc.) is nonlinear. The analysis of this no...
Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Wolfgang A. Halang, Wolfgang Mathis, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, Zhong Li
This book contains a collection of recent advanced contributions in the field of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization, including selected applications in the area of theoretical electrical engineering. The present book is divided into twenty-one chapters grouped in five parts. The first part focuses on theoretical issues related to chaos and synchronization and their potential applications in mechanics, transportation, communication and security. The second part handles dynamic systems modelling and simulation with special applications to real physical systems and phenomena. The third part...
This book contains a collection of recent advanced contributions in the field of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization, including selected applicatio...