FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE THEORY AND TECHNIQUE OF PSYCHO-ANALYSIS by SANDOR FERENCZI. Originally published in 1927. AUTHORS PREFACE: THE courtesy of the Institute of Psycho-Analysis enables me to publish a second collection of my psycho-analytical writings in English the first appeared in 1916 in the splendid translation of my honoured friend. Dr. Ernest Jones, under the title, Contributions to Psycho-Analysis Boston Badger and Co., reappearing in several new editions under the title Sex and Psycho analysis, The present collection in no way gives a systematic survey of the development of...
Charts the development of Ferenczi's 'Active Technique' in papers such as "The Technique of Psychoanalysis" and "Further Development of an Active Therapy". Ferenczi made outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis. This volume, first published in 1926, brings together the fruit of ten year's work and study. Primary medical in orientation and concerned with technique, it covers a wide range of topics: Nosology, Technique, Sexual Theory, From the Nursery, Dreams, Symbolism, Applied Psycho-Analysis, Medical Jurisprudence and Religion.
Charts the development of Ferenczi's 'Active Technique' in papers such as "The Technique of Psychoanalysis" and "Further Development of an Active Ther...
This final volume includes "Confusion of Tongues Between Children and Adults" in which Ferenczi formulates his controversal ideas on childhood sexuality, and the conflict between the languages of tenderness and passion. First published in 1955, this book contains papers written by Ferenczi during his last years and some of his unpublished notes. It demonstrates Ferenczi's combination of great clinical understanding and an almost uncanny insight into unconscious process. Among the forty important items included are papers on the following: "Freud's Influence on Medicine", "Laughter",...
This final volume includes "Confusion of Tongues Between Children and Adults" in which Ferenczi formulates his controversal ideas on childhood sexuali...
This book is a collection of Ferenczi's early papers which secured him, in an amazingly short time, his prominent position among Freud's followers. Included here are several of the papers that now belong to the classics of psychoanalysis, such as: "Introjection and Transference", "On Obscene Words", "On Onasism: Stages in Development of the Sense of Reality" and "The Ontogenesis of the Interest in Money". In addition it contains Ferenczi's pioneer papers on impotence, homosexuality, paranoia, and symbolism.
This book is a collection of Ferenczi's early papers which secured him, in an amazingly short time, his prominent position among Freud's followers. In...
The author's correspondence presented here is an important document of the early history of psychoanalysis. It spans more than two decades, and addresses many of the relevant issues of the psychoanalytic movement between 1911-1933, such as Freud's relation to Stekel, Adler and Jung; the First World War, the debates of the 1920s regarding the theoretical and technical ideas of Rank and Ferenczi; problems of leadership, structure, and finding a centre for the psychoanalytical movement; as well as issues related to telepathy and lay analysis. It includes thirty-seven letters and six postcards,...
The author's correspondence presented here is an important document of the early history of psychoanalysis. It spans more than two decades, and addres...