Inspector Alan Grant von Scotland Yard reist mit dem Zug nach Schottland. Gemeinsam mit einem alten Schulkameraden will er in den Highlands eine Auszeit nehmen, die herrliche Landschaft genießen und sich von der, im Wortlaut seines Arztes, »Überarbeitung« erholen. Kurz vor der Ankunft beobachtet Grant, wie es dem Schaffner im Abteil nebenan nicht gelingen will, einen Mitreisenden zu wecken - der Mann ist tot! Fast freut sich Grant ein bisschen, einmal nicht zuständig zu sein. Doch beim ersten Frühstück im Hotel fällt ihm eine Zeitung in die Hände, die er im Zug eingesteckt haben muss...
Inspector Alan Grant von Scotland Yard reist mit dem Zug nach Schottland. Gemeinsam mit einem alten Schulkameraden will er in den Highlands eine Ausze...
Die Bewohner von Salcott St Mary haben es nicht leicht. In dem einst beschaulichen Dörfchen haben sich die überspanntesten Künstler*innen Londons angesiedelt: Lavinia Fitch, Autorin romantischer Frauenromane, Bühnenstar Marta Hallard und Miss Easton-Dixon, die jährlich ein Buch mit Weihnachtsmärchen veröffentlicht, sind noch die Harmlosesten. Hinzu kommen ein verlogener Rundfunkjournalist, ein arroganter Dramatiker, ein verkrachter Balletttänzer und ein hasserfüllter naturalistischer Schriftsteller. Der Besuch eines kalifornischen Starfotografen mischt die Künstler*innenkolonie...
Die Bewohner von Salcott St Mary haben es nicht leicht. In dem einst beschaulichen Dörfchen haben sich die überspanntesten Künstler*innen Londons a...
London in den 1920er-Jahren: Großes Gedränge vor dem Theater im West End, die Karten für die letzten Aufführungen des Musicals sind heiß begehrt. Da sackt ein junger Mann inmitten der Menge zusammen, in seinem Rücken steckt ein Dolch. Niemand der Umstehenden will von der Tat etwas mitbekommen haben. Und wer ist das Opfer überhaupt? Ein Fall für Inspector Grant von Scotland Yard, dessen Ermittlungen sich mühsam genug anlassen. Die Schottin Josephine Tey (1896-1952) überwand die Grenzen, die dem Krimi-Genre zu ihrer Zeit gesetzt waren, und schuf mit ihrem ersten Fall für Inspector...
London in den 1920er-Jahren: Großes Gedränge vor dem Theater im West End, die Karten für die letzten Aufführungen des Musicals sind heiß begehrt....
Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard detective who relies on his instincts and often goes against the evidence if his gut feeling says so. He is thorough and systematic in his investigations and always pulls through. Contents: - "The Man in the Queue" (or Killer in the Crowd) - Inspector Grant investigates a murder of a man who was stabbed in the ticket line in front of theatre. There are numerous witnesses, but nobody saw anything. - "A Shilling for Candles" - Inspector Grant investigates a drowning of a young actress which first seems like an accident, but as investigation moves forward,...
Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard detective who relies on his instincts and often goes against the evidence if his gut feeling says so. He is th...
The body of a film actress known as Christine Clay is discovered at the edge of the surf on a beach in Kent. She is initially thought to be the victim of a drowning accident, but the presence of a button tangled in her hair leads Inspector Alan Grant to conclude she has been murdered. Suspicion quickly falls on her friend and house guest, Robert Tisdall. Tisdall was rescued from a life of poverty when Clay randomly encountered him in London and offered him hospitality out of kindness. The day before the murder, Clay wrote to her lawyer instructing him to add a codicil to her will bequeathing...
The body of a film actress known as Christine Clay is discovered at the edge of the surf on a beach in Kent. She is initially thought to be the victim...
Alan Grant, Scotland Yard Inspector is feeling bored while confined to bed in hospital with a broken leg. Marta Hallard, an actress friend of his, suggests that he should amuse himself by researching a historical mystery. She brings him some pictures of historical characters, aware of Grant's interest in human faces. He becomes intrigued by a portrait of King Richard III. He prides himself on being able to read a person's character from his appearance, and King Richard seems to him a gentle, kind and wise man. Why is everyone so sure that he was a cruel murderer? With the help of other...
Alan Grant, Scotland Yard Inspector is feeling bored while confined to bed in hospital with a broken leg. Marta Hallard, an actress friend of his, sug...
Robert Blair, a local solicitor, is called on to defend two women, Marion Sharpe and her mother, who are accused of kidnapping and beating a fifteen-year-old Betty Kane. As the Sharpes are about to be interviewed by local police and Scotland Yard, represented by Inspector Alan Grant, Marion calls Blair and, although his firm does not do criminal cases, he agrees to come out to their home, "The Franchise", to look out for their interests during the questioning. The case against them is quite strong. The Sharpe women are accused that one night they approached Betty while she was waiting for a...
Robert Blair, a local solicitor, is called on to defend two women, Marion Sharpe and her mother, who are accused of kidnapping and beating a fifteen-y...
e-artnow presents to you the best Josephine Tey murder mysteries and detective books in one book edition. Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard detective who relies on his instincts and often goes against the evidence if his gut feeling says so. He is thorough and systematic in his investigations and always pulls through. Contents: - "The Man in the Queue" (or Killer in the Crowd) - Inspector Grant investigates a murder of a man who was stabbed in the ticket line in front of theatre. There are numerous witnesses, but nobody saw anything. - "A Shilling for Candles" - Inspector Grant...
e-artnow presents to you the best Josephine Tey murder mysteries and detective books in one book edition. Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard dete...
Miss Lucy Pym is a high school teacher of French language who wrote a pop psychology book which, to her surprise, turned out best-seller. She is invited by an old friend, a principle of Leys Physical Training College, to be a guest speaker at this women's facility. Miss Pym is warmly accepted and implored to stay at the college until the day of the demonstration. She becomes interested in the lives and personalities of the college students and their teachers. However, under apparently normal relations Miss Pym detects tension, rivalry and jealousy which eventually lead to an accident. But...
Miss Lucy Pym is a high school teacher of French language who wrote a pop psychology book which, to her surprise, turned out best-seller. She is invit...
e-artnow presents to you the best Josephine Tey murder mysteries and detective books in one book edition. Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard detective who relies on his instincts and often goes against the evidence if his gut feeling says so. He is thorough and systematic in his investigations and always pulls through. Contents: - "The Man in the Queue" (or Killer in the Crowd) - Inspector Grant investigates a murder of a man who was stabbed in the ticket line in front of theatre. There are numerous witnesses, but nobody saw anything. - "A Shilling for Candles" - Inspector Grant...
e-artnow presents to you the best Josephine Tey murder mysteries and detective books in one book edition. Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard dete...