Nottinghamshire, England, gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts: Die aus besseren Kreisen stammende Gertrude Coppard heiratet den Bergmann Walter Morel, in den sie sich bei einer Weihnachtsfeier verliebt hat. Ein erster Sohn, William, wird geboren, dann die Tochter Annie, schließlich, als die Liebe schon erkaltet ist, Paul. Gertrude wendet sich ganz ihren Söhnen zu. William, der eine vielversprechende Karriere begonnen hat, stirbt früh. Umso intensiver wird die Beziehung zu dem künstlerisch begabten Paul, den die Mutter mit ihrer Liebe zu erdrücken droht ... Einer der besten englischsprachigen...
Nottinghamshire, England, gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts: Die aus besseren Kreisen stammende Gertrude Coppard heiratet den Bergmann Walter Morel, in ...
The Rainbow tells the story of three generations of the Brangwen family, a dynasty of farmers and craftsmen who live in the east Midlands of England, on the borders of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. The book covers a period from the 1840s to 1905, and shows how the love relationships of the Brangwens change against the backdrop of the increasing industrialization of Britain. The first central character, Tom Brangwen, is a farmer whose experience of the world does not stretch beyond these two counties; while the last, Ursula, his granddaughter, studies at university and becomes a teacher in...
The Rainbow tells the story of three generations of the Brangwen family, a dynasty of farmers and craftsmen who live in the east Midlands of England, ...
"Touch and Go" by D. H. Lawrence is a play in three acts. The story is about the real struggles of labor and capital. Labor not only wants his debt. He wants his pound of flesh. It is a quandary. In our hearts of hearts, we must admit the debt. We must admit that it is long overdue. But this last condition! In vain we study our anatomy to see which part we can best spare.
"Touch and Go" by D. H. Lawrence is a play in three acts. The story is about the real struggles of labor and capital. Labor not only wants his debt. H...
"Der Zigeuner und die Jungfrau" handelt von zwei Schwestern, den Töchtern eines anglikanischen Vikars. Die beiden kehren von der Schule in ein tristes Leben zurück, nicht lange nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Einmal begegnet Yvette einem Zigeuner und seiner Familie. Doch als ihr Vater von dieser Freundschaft erfährt, lehnt er sie ab. Im Laufe des Romans verändern sich Yvettes Gefühle und ihr Verständnis für das Leben. Diese Sammlung umfasst auch die Novellen: Die Tochter des Pferdehändlers Die Hauptmanns-Puppe Zwei blaue Vögel Lächeln
"Der Zigeuner und die Jungfrau" handelt von zwei Schwestern, den Töchtern eines anglikanischen Vikars. Die beiden kehren von der Schule in ein triste...
D. H. Lawrence's novel 'The Lost Girl' delves into the complexities of human relationships, desire, and societal expectations. Set in early 20th century England, the book follows the story of Alvina Houghton, a young woman torn between duty and personal fulfillment. Lawrence's lyrical prose and intimate portrayal of characters immerse the reader in the inner conflicts and desires of his protagonists, making the novel a compelling exploration of love and identity within a changing world. As a prolific writer known for his controversial themes and exploration of human emotions, D. H. Lawrence...
D. H. Lawrence's novel 'The Lost Girl' delves into the complexities of human relationships, desire, and societal expectations. Set in early 20th centu...
England, My England is a collection of short stories by D. H. Lawrence. Contents: - England, My England - Tickets, Please - The Blind Man - Monkey Nuts - Wintry Peacock - You Touched Me - Samson And Delilah - The Primrose Path - The Horse Dealer's Daughter - Fanny And Annie
England, My England is a collection of short stories by D. H. Lawrence. Contents: - England, My England - Tickets, Please - The Blind Man - Monkey Nut...
D. H. Lawrence wrote over 500 poems, compiled in several poetry collections. His early works place him in the school of Georgian poets, and his later poetry belongs to the modernist tradition. Lawrence's poetry was mostly influenced by Walt Whitman. Table of Contents: - Love Poems and others: - Wedding Morn - Kisses in the Train - Cruelty and Love - Cherry Robbers - Lilies in the Fire - Coldness in Love - End of another Home-Holiday - Reminder - Bei Hennef - Lightning - Song-Day in Autumn - Aware - A Pang of Reminiscence - A White Blossom - Red Moon-Rise - Return - The Appeal - Repulsed -...
D. H. Lawrence wrote over 500 poems, compiled in several poetry collections. His early works place him in the school of Georgian poets, and his later ...
"Etruscan Places" is a historical and anthropological guide into the world of the Etruscans people. The Etruscans, as everyone knows, were the people who occupied the middle of Italy in early Roman days and whom the Romans, in their usual neighbourly fashion, wiped out entirely in order to make room for Rome with a very big R. They couldn't have wiped them all out, there were too many of them. But they did wipe out the Etruscan existence as a nation and a people. However, this seems to be the inevitable result of expansion with a big E, which is the sole raison d'étre of people like the...
"Etruscan Places" is a historical and anthropological guide into the world of the Etruscans people. The Etruscans, as everyone knows, were the people ...
"Söhne und Liebhaber" ist ein Bildungs- und Künstlerroman, der den Werdegang Paul Morels schildert und sein Verhalten zu Frauen, insbesondere zu seiner Mutter, der langjährigen Freundin Miriam und der verheirateten, aber in Trennung lebenden Clara Dawes. Der Roman spielt im England des späten 19. Jahrhunderts und erzählt die Geschichte eines Mannes, der emotional so sehr an seiner Mutter hängt und von ihr beeinflusst wird, dass er nicht in der Lage ist, eine dauerhafte Beziehung einzugehen, wenn er andere Frauen trifft.
"Söhne und Liebhaber" ist ein Bildungs- und Künstlerroman, der den Werdegang Paul Morels schildert und sein Verhalten zu Frauen, insbesondere zu sei...