"She Stoops to Conquer" is a comedy by the Irish author Oliver Goldsmith, first performed in London in 1773. The play marked the revival of laughing comedy over the sentimental comedy seen as dominant on the English stage since the beginning of the 18th century.
"She Stoops to Conquer" is a comedy by the Irish author Oliver Goldsmith, first performed in London in 1773. The play marked the revival of laughing c...
"She Stoops to Conquer" is a comedy by the Irish author Oliver Goldsmith, first performed in London in 1773. The play marked the revival of laughing comedy over the sentimental comedy seen as dominant on the English stage since the beginning of the 18th century.
"She Stoops to Conquer" is a comedy by the Irish author Oliver Goldsmith, first performed in London in 1773. The play marked the revival of laughing c...