Fünfzehn Erzählungen sind unter dem Titel "Das Gartenfest" versammelt, fünfzehn Porträts von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, Charakterstudien von Personen und Beziehungen, die in ihrer einfühlsamen Darstellung vornehmlich aus der Perspektive der Frau eher unscheinbar wirkende Geschehnisse aus dem alltäglichen Leben beschreiben. So unscheinbar die Ereignisse auf den ersten Blick wirken, so grundlegend, ja existentiell sind sie für die Betroffenen.
Fünfzehn Erzählungen sind unter dem Titel "Das Gartenfest" versammelt, fünfzehn Porträts von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, Charakterstudien von Pe...
Katherine Mansfield verlässt mit zwanzig Jahren ihre neuseeländische Heimat, um in London Schriftstellerin zu werden. Doch erst einmal landet sie schwanger in der Pension eines bayerischen Kurorts. Dort kann sie ihre Beobachtungsgabe literarisch ausleben, vor allem wenn sie auf Menschen trifft, die während der Kur das enge Korsett gesellschaftlicher Zwänge ablegen. Entstanden sind messerscharfe und sehr amüsante Erzählungen. Über scheinbare Banalitäten verdeutlichen sie tief verankerte Verhaltensmuster, Vorurteile und Klischees im beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts. Nina Hoss leiht der...
Katherine Mansfield verlässt mit zwanzig Jahren ihre neuseeländische Heimat, um in London Schriftstellerin zu werden. Doch erst einmal landet sie sc...
»Und schließlich war das Wetter ideal. Es war wie für ein Gartenfest gemacht.« Auch der Garten zeigt sich von seiner schönsten Seite, üppig blühend und duftend. Das Haus der Familie Sheridan summt wie ein Bienenkorb, man ist mitten in den Vorbereitungen für das große Fest. Doch durch einen Vorfall am Rande dieser heilen Welt bekommt Laura, die Tochter des Hauses, Kontakt zu einer anderen Lebenswirklichkeit ...
Einfühlsam und präzise beschreibt die neuseeländische Autorin Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) hier sowie in den beiden anderen...
»Und schließlich war das Wetter ideal. Es war wie für ein Gartenfest gemacht.« Auch der Garten zeigt sich von seiner schönsten Seite, üppig b...
The Garden Party and Other Stories is a 1922 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield that covers topics such as Life and Death, Marriage, distorted reality, regret, disappointment, duty and Gender, including the storys "At the Bay", "The Garden Party", "The Daughters of the Late Colonel", "Mr and Mrs Dove", "The Young Girl", "Life of Ma Parker" and others.
The Garden Party and Other Stories is a 1922 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield that covers topics such as Life and Death, ...
Kathleen Mansfield Murry (1888-1923) was a prominent modernist short story writer who wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. At 19, Mansfield left New Zealand and settled in the UK, where she became a friend of modernist writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. Her short stories show the complexities of a character's interior life in all its various shades. Bliss, and Other Stories Bliss Prelude Je ne Parle pas Français The Wind Blows Psychology Pictures The Man without a Temperament Mr. Reginald Peacock's Day Sun and Moon Feuille d'Album . . . The Garden Party, and Other...
Kathleen Mansfield Murry (1888-1923) was a prominent modernist short story writer who wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. At 19, Mansfiel...
The Doves' Nest and Other Stories is a 1923 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield, published by her husband John Middleton Murry after her death. The volume contains all the complete stories, and several fragments of stories, which she wrote at the same time as, or after, those published in The Garden Party, including "The Doll's House", "Honeymoon", "A Cup of Tea" and others.
The Doves' Nest and Other Stories is a 1923 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield, published by her husband John Middleton Mur...
Something Childish and Other Stories is a 1924 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in America as The Little Girl. This anthology was published after her death by her husband John Middleton Murry. Murry wrote in his introductory note that this volume contains the stories written between Bliss: and Other Stories (1920) and The Garden Party: and Other Stories (1922).
Something Childish and Other Stories is a 1924 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in America as The...
In a German Pension' is a collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield; her first published collection. The stories were written after her stay in Bad Wörishofen, a German spa town where she was taken by her mother after her disastrous marriage, pregnancy and miscarriage. Some reflect on the habits and demeanor of Germans, and some refer to the exploitation and oppression of women by men.
In a German Pension' is a collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield; her first published collection. The stories were written afte...
In a German Pension is a 1911 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield; her first published collection. All but three of the stories were originally published in The New Age edited by A. R. Orage; the first to appear was "The Child-Who-Was-Tired". The stories were written after her stay in Bad Wörishofen, a German spa town, in 1909, where she was taken by her mother after her disastrous marriage, pregnancy and miscarriage.
In a German Pension is a 1911 collection of short stories by the writer Katherine Mansfield; her first published collection. All but three of the stor...