The peaceful town of Hamelin is overrun with rats: they are raiding larders, hiding in cupboards, sneaking into bed linen and driving the locals to despair. Desperate for help, they turn to the strange Pied Piper who promises a solution. But when the Piper falls out with the mayor, he takes away more than the townspeople ever expected. A wonderfully vivid interpretation of the story, which tackles trust, pride and revenge. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work...
The peaceful town of Hamelin is overrun with rats: they are raiding larders, hiding in cupboards, sneaking into bed linen and driving the locals to de...
Cecily is enchanted when she meets photographer Rosalind, and soon longs to learn more about this "art of the future" and become a famous photographer herself. Believing Rosalind to be the perfect match for her widowed father, Cecily conspires to unite the pair, but her father's friend keeps spoiling her plans. Will Cecily's dreams ever come true?
Cecily is enchanted when she meets photographer Rosalind, and soon longs to learn more about this "art of the future" and become a famous photographer...