The Level 6 pack contains 36 books, six of each of the following titles: Grub Up, Minibeasts Matter!, Seeing in the Dark, Super Senses, The Steam Train, Faster, Faster!.
Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics that children will be learning about in the classroom. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings encourage children to read and relish both text types from an early age, develop and deepen...
The Level 6 pack contains 36 books, six of each of the following titles: Grub Up, Minibeasts Matter!, Seeing in the Dark, Super Senses, The Steam Trai...
Discover what carnivores, herbivores and omnivores eat in Beast Feasts. The fiction book that accompanies this title is The Strange Beast.
Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings will develop and deepen their reading comprehension and foster a love of reading across both text types.
This book is one of six titles at Oxford Level 5, which are phonically...
Discover what carnivores, herbivores and omnivores eat in Beast Feasts. The fiction book that accompanies this title is The Strange Beast.
See, hear, taste, touch and smell. Find out about your senses and how they work in Super Senses. The fiction book that accompanies this title is Seeing in the Dark.
Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings will develop and deepen their reading comprehension and foster a love of reading across both text types.
This book is one of six titles at Oxford Level...
See, hear, taste, touch and smell. Find out about your senses and how they work in Super Senses. The fiction book that accompanies this title is Seein...
What lives in the sand at the seashore? Where can you find a black bear? See the habitats of plants and animals in Rock Pool to Rainforest. The fiction book that accompanies this title is Turtle Beach.
Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings will develop and deepen their reading comprehension and foster a love of reading across both text types.
This book...
What lives in the sand at the seashore? Where can you find a black bear? See the habitats of plants and animals in Rock Pool to Rainforest. The fictio...
Tauche ein in die Welt der Ozeane und erkunde Steilküsten, Korallenriffe oder die Tiefsee. Im faszinierenden Lebensraum Meer leben zahllose Tiere und Pflanzen, die man in diesem Buch näher kennenlernt. Unter den über 70 Klappen verbergen sich spannende Informationen zu Haien, Delfinen, Seehunden u.v.m. Detaillierte Illustrationen laden zum Entdecken ein.
Tauche ein in die Welt der Ozeane und erkunde Steilküsten, Korallenriffe oder die Tiefsee. Im faszinierenden Lebensraum Meer leben zahllose Tiere und...
Müll, Recycling und Umweltschutz für Kinder anschaulich erklärt Woher kommt all dieser Müll und was können wir dagegen tun? Dieses Wissensbuch für Kinder der DK Sachbuchreihe "Superchecker!" liefert Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Müll, seine Ursachen und Auswirkungen. In einem Experten-Interview kommt Dr. Hennig Wilts, Experte für Kreislaufwirtschaft, zu Wort und gibt wichtige Tipps zur Vermeidung von Müll. Wissen für Kinder ab 7 Jahren - einzigartig, informativ...
Müll, Recycling und Umweltschutz für Kinder anschaulich erklärt Woher kommt all dieser Müll und was können wir dagegen tun...
Wissen für Kinder richtig cool verpackt: Warum frieren Eisbären nicht? Wie entsteht ein Eisberg und warum schmilzt das Eis der Pole? Dieses Wissensbuch für Kinder der DK Sachbuchreihe "Superchecker!" liefert Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen rund um das Leben im Eis und wie wir es schützen können. In einem Doppel-Interview berichten zwei Experten aus der Polarforschung von ihrer abenteuerlichen Arbeit bei eisiger Kälte. Wissen für Kinder ab 7 Jahren einzigartig, informativ...
"Superchecker!" gibt es auch bei Toggo Radio
Wissen für Kinder richtig cool verpackt: Warum frieren Eisbären nicht? Wie ...
This is a 2-in-1 book for readers aged 7 to 11 years old. In the fiction text, wildlife filmmaker Chander attempts to film some mischievous chimps! In the non-fiction, discover amazing animal facts and see where animals are located on maps. Spot the Animals is at Oxford Reading Level 4. It is a fully-decodable book for pupils who are working below expected standard in their reading. The Rise series ensures that older struggling readers have books with age-appropriate content and topics, that look like the books their peers are enjoying, but are written at a level they can read successfully.
This is a 2-in-1 book for readers aged 7 to 11 years old. In the fiction text, wildlife filmmaker Chander attempts to film some mischievous chimps! In...
This pack contains six copies of each of the Rise titles at Oxford Reading Level 4: Spot the Animals; Help; Looking for Rainbows. These 2-in-1 books are for readers aged 7 to 11 years old. They are fully-decodable books for pupils who are working below expected standard in their reading. The Rise series ensures that older struggling readers have books with age-appropriate content and topics, that look like the books their peers are enjoying, but are written at a level they can read successfully.
This pack contains six copies of each of the Rise titles at Oxford Reading Level 4: Spot the Animals; Help; Looking for Rainbows. These 2-in-1 books a...
Neue Bilderbuchreihe zu Themen, die die Welt bewegen
Jeder ärgert sich mal oder streitet sich mit jemandem. Manchmal werden Menschen so wütend, dass sie miteinander kämpfen.Was kann man dagegen tun?
Wie Kriege entstehen und wie man versuchen kann, Konflikte friedlich zu lösen, erfahren Kinder in diesem Buch. Mit Lesetipps, Adressen von Organisationen und einem Lexikon der wichtigsten Wörter.
Neue Bilderbuchreihe zu Themen, die die Welt bewegen
Jeder ärgert sich mal oder streitet sich mit jemandem. Manchmal werden Menschen so