Co jsou úřednické kabinety? Proč a za jakých okolností vznikají? Jsou úřednické kabinety legitimní? Ohrožují ústavnost? Jsou skutečně nestranné a neutrální?
Kniha představuje systematický rozbor 53 úřednických kabinetů, které byly ustaveny v Evropě v období 1989–2015, včetně tří českých úřednických vlád (vlády J. Tošovského, J. Fischera a J. Rusnoka). Opírá se o rozsáhlý faktografický základ a vyčerpávající okruh informačních zdrojů a soudobé politologické literatury. Nabízí empiricky podložené...
Co jsou úřednické kabinety? Proč a za jakých okolností vznikají? Jsou úřednické kabinety legitimní? Ohrožují ústavnost? ...
This research monograph examines presidential constitutional conventions and the role they play in the political systems of four Central European countries - the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. As primarily unwritten rules of constitutional practice, constitutional conventions represent political arrangements and as such are political in origin. Not only this, constitutional conventions, in general, and presidential constitutional conventions, in particular, have significant political implications. They shape both the everyday operation and character of regimes. Central Europe...
This research monograph examines presidential constitutional conventions and the role they play in the political systems of four Central European coun...
This research monograph examines presidential constitutional conventions and the role they play in the political systems of four Central European countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Poland. As primarily unwritten rules of constitutional practice, constitutional conventions represent political arrangements and as such are political in origin. Not only this, constitutional conventions, in general, and presidential constitutional conventions, in particular, have significant political implications. They shape both the everyday operation and character of...
This research monograph examines presidential constitutional conventions and the role they play in the political systems of four Centra...