The value of Winnicott's work has become more and more widely recognized not only among psycho-analysts but also psychologists, educators, social workers, and men and women in every branch of medicine; indeed, all whose work or practice involves the care of children in health or sickness.An important part of the value of these writings lies in t
The value of Winnicott's work has become more and more widely recognized not only among psycho-analysts but also psychologists, educators, social work...
This volume contains ninety-two works by this renowned writer, theoretician, and clinician. Includes critiques of Melanie Klein's ideas and insights into the works of other leading psychoanalysts, and thoughts on such concepts as play in the analytic situation, the fate of the transitional object, regression in psychoanalysis, and the use of silenc
This volume contains ninety-two works by this renowned writer, theoretician, and clinician. Includes critiques of Melanie Klein's ideas and insights i...
Thinking About Children collects thirty-one papers, of which twenty-eight have never previously been published. As might be expected, they range widely in tone and content from concise clinical observations to more general meditations including the landmark paper "Towards an objective study of human nature". Of particular interest are sect
Thinking About Children collects thirty-one papers, of which twenty-eight have never previously been published. As might be expected, they range widel...
This volume consists of the collected letters of D. W. Winnicott, a central figure in British psychoanalysis in the generation following Freud. Suspicious of dogma and deeply committed to the value of his own observations, he maintained a highly personal therapeutic and theoretical style. His common sense, humour, warmth, and individualism made him
This volume consists of the collected letters of D. W. Winnicott, a central figure in British psychoanalysis in the generation following Freud. Suspic...
The collection of papers that forms The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment brings together the author's published and unpublished papers on psychoanalysis and child development during the period 1957-1963. It has, as its main theme, the carrying back of the application of Freud's theories to infancy. Freud showed th
The collection of papers that forms The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment brings together the author's published and unpublished...