Emergency ophthalmology is an area full of pitfalls for the unwary primary care practitioner. Vitreoretinal disorders make up the majority of emergency sight-threatening conditions, and a wide and increasingly varied range of conditions of the eye present in primary care settings. Correct diagnosis at initial presentation, and appropriate and speedy referral, are extremely important. This book is therefore an essential reference for the primary care physician, who is often the first to see these patients and is in a position of responsibility for decision-making.
Emergency ophthalmology is an area full of pitfalls for the unwary primary care practitioner. Vitreoretinal disorders make up the majority of emerg...
This is the third edition of a highly successful textbook that in many areas has become the preferred book of vitreoretinal surgery. It provides a complete guide to all common vitreoretinal surgical procedures and also covers diagnosis and other aspects of management. The book is designed to allow a trainee or professional vitreoretinal surgeon to determine the best methodology in individual cases. In order to acquaint the reader with different opinions, “surgical pearls” have been contributed by other international experts in vitreoretinal surgery. These have been welcomed in the past...
This is the third edition of a highly successful textbook that in many areas has become the preferred book of vitreoretinal surgery. It provides a ...