This collection of juvenile short stories revolve around the life of a young man named Tommy whose impressive faith in Jesus allows him to bring healing to those suffering in his small town. Whether it is healing his grandmother's deadly snake bite or bringing people back from the dead, Tommy attributes all the miracles to the Lord God.
This collection of juvenile short stories revolve around the life of a young man named Tommy whose impressive faith in Jesus allows him to bring heali...
Seminole got its name from former slaves who escaped Southern plantations in the early 1800s and fled to the swamps of Florida. They lived alongside Seminole Indians and later came to be known as Black Seminoles. Renowned for excellent tracking abilities, they eventually served as guides for the Shafter expedition to West Texas in the mid-1870s, which opened the region. In a shallow draw on the prairie, the Black Seminoles discovered water wells dug by the Comanche. The "Seminole Wells" demonstrated the area's livability. Settlers arrived a few decades later,...
Seminole got its name from former slaves who escaped Southern plantations in the early 1800s and fled to the swamps of Florida. They lived alo...