Der Sammelband fokussiert verlassene Orte der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland und Kanada. Damit wird zum disziplinaren Gedachtnis beigetragen und zukunftsorientiert analytisch nachgefragt, was man von diesen Orten und ihrem Schicksal fur heute lernen kann. This volume focuses on abandoned places of adult education in Germany and Canada. The chapters contribute to keeping the memory of the discipline alive and explore what we can learn from the fate of these places for the future.
Der Sammelband fokussiert verlassene Orte der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland und Kanada. Damit wird zum disziplinaren Gedachtnis beigetragen und zu...
This book examines the educational role of three international organizations created as part of the post-World War II multilateral architecture: the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). These organizations have significantly promoted and shaped education as a fundamental feature of the modernization of society and contributed to the globalization of educational norms, policies and technologies. Drawing on primary source materials and interviews, the book provides...
This book examines the educational role of three international organizations created as part of the post-World War II multilateral architecture: th...