In 1971, more than three hundred hippie idealists-in a caravan of sixty brightly painted school buses and assorted other vehicles-landed on an abandoned farm in central Tennessee. They had a mission: to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to follow a peaceful and spiritual path, and to make a difference in the world. OUT TO CHANGE THE WORLD tells the story of how those hippies established The Farm, one of the largest and longest-lasting intentional communities in the United States. Starting with the 1960s' Haight-Ashbury scene where it all began, continuing through the changeover...
In 1971, more than three hundred hippie idealists-in a caravan of sixty brightly painted school buses and assorted other vehicles-landed on an abandon...
This book teaches readers how to put a working system together by showing them the equipment available to them, and what it can do. Readers will learn how to create video products using the computer as an editing tool, and how to refine sound and combine graphics with video. Information on web distribution is included.With the advent of the new digital camcorders developed by Panasonic and Sony in the new DV format, professional quality video is available in consumer-level equipment. At the same time, digital editing is now available for the PC using video capture cards in the $500-$1,000...
This book teaches readers how to put a working system together by showing them the equipment available to them, and what it can do. Readers will learn...