Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence. It is God's strategy for change that requires a mix of biblical community, Kingdom entrepreneurship and heeding the voice of the Lord, as a people. With extraordinary examples drawn from an extensive track record in lands of persecution, its practical, grass-roots application exceeds expectations. This book outlines the steps being successfully applied in a diversity of extremely adverse spiritual climates. Righteous power doesn't operate like worldly power. It goes against the grain. It's the way of the...
Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence. It is God's strategy for change that requires a mix of biblical com...
The world's system is being shaken. Tenets of leadership considered benchmarks are undergoing reevaluation. One of the biggest challenges for Christian leaders, especially within the marketplace, is the balance between functioning in their own ability and yielding to God's headship as leaders. For many, the acceptable inclination is blending their "natural abilities" and what has been gleaned from the world's system, with an icing of polite ethics and a "praise the Lord." Yet, the heroes of faith reversed the equation. Having heard from God, they harnessed their natural abilities to conform...
The world's system is being shaken. Tenets of leadership considered benchmarks are undergoing reevaluation. One of the biggest challenges for Christia...
JULIE HUNTLEY Dean of the College of Business, Oral Roberts University Morris Ruddick casts the vision of expecting even greater manifestations of power than in the book of Acts. We are given purpose for developing our spiritual maturity focused on overcoming insurmountable obstacles in today's times. Morris masterfully presents the steps for appropriating the mantle of fire that will change our personal lives and the world around us. The practical insight for those hungering to be used mightily by God is empowering. This book offers the tools for those wanting to be instrumental in changing...
JULIE HUNTLEY Dean of the College of Business, Oral Roberts University Morris Ruddick casts the vision of expecting even greater manifestations of pow...