This groundbreaking new perspective on Le Corbusier is based on exhaustive archival research and the study of neglected or completely unknown documents. It is innovative in showing the role of materials and construction techniques in the architecture of Le Corbusier and the book also delves into the project management and the construction of several buildings in the period 1940 - 1965. Each worksite, from the Unite d'Habitation (Housing Unit) in Marseille to the city of Chandigarh, and the Tokyo museum, the Carpenter Center in Cambridge and the Unite d'Habitation in Berlin, is analyzed in...
This groundbreaking new perspective on Le Corbusier is based on exhaustive archival research and the study of neglected or completely unknown docum...
Through sheer determination and courage, Kahn has researched the nature of concrete in the form of precast, cast in place or blocks. Each of his renowned works in exposed concrete, such as the Yale Art Gallery, the Richards Laboratories, the Bath House, the Salk Institute, the National Assembly, the Kimbell Museum, the Exeter Library and the Yale Center for British Art, is itself an important chapter in the history of architecture for the exploration into concrete's formal expression, beyond the lesson of Le Corbusier.
Kahn's obsession on concrete fabrication processes, on...
Through sheer determination and courage, Kahn has researched the nature of concrete in the form of precast, cast in place or blocks. Each of his re...