An intriguing narrative set in Melbourne, Man of God follows the life and adventures of its protagonist, Vincent Orion, who is a councillor for the fictional city of Princeton. As the story unfolds the reader perceives a critical view of local government in Victoria. Councillors are presented as corrupt, inept, or dishonest - or all three. They are interested in free meals, the hospitality, the perks of office and the petty power that being a councillor provides them. Vincent tries to be upright in this immoral sphere but finds himself increasingly drawn into a spiral of deceit, lies and...
An intriguing narrative set in Melbourne, Man of God follows the life and adventures of its protagonist, Vincent Orion, who is a councillor for the fi...
The changing economic environment for the consumer that is emerging from the wreckage of the financial credit crunch plays directly into the importance of food spending. This is certainly true from the perspective of food prices in the short run, but also from the perspective of sustainability and reducing the impact of the environmental credit crunch. The economic changes we experience now have a bearing on our ability to manage the environmental credit crunch that looms. Food Policy and the Environmental Credit Crunch: From Soup to Nuts elaborates on the issues addressed in the authors’...
The changing economic environment for the consumer that is emerging from the wreckage of the financial credit crunch plays directly into the importanc...