The newly qualified manager may well be equipped with the skills of the “What” of marketing and management, but not know the “How.” The practicing marketer is well served with guides on strategy, mainly of the “four minute plan” variety, but poorly served in terms of basic advice on implementing the strategy and plans.
This book is therefore designed to give clear guidance in managing the marketing function as a practical entity and allowing the new marketer to grasp how the theory can be applied to the job. Written by practitioners who are also active...
The newly qualified manager may well be equipped with the skills of the “What” of marketing and management, but not know the “How.” The practi...
Alba, am Foghar 1513. An dèidh dha taibhse fhaicinn ann an Glinn Iucha, tha Rìgh Seumas a Ceithir dealasach gu falbh air taistealachd a Bhaile Dhubhthaich mus dèan e ionnsaigh air Sasainn. Na chuideachd, bidh Mgr Eanraig Leich, an lannsair pearsanta aige, agus an t-amadan as fheàrr leis, Tòmas. Bidh càirdeas a’ sìor fhàs eadar an triùir fhear fhad ’s a tha iad air chuairt a Bhaile Dhubhthaich agus, an uair sin, a’ marcachd a Northumberland fada gu deas. Ach bidh teagamhan agus droch mhanaidhean gam buaireadh mus tig latha mòr a’ chatha air Blàr Flodden. Scotland, Autumn...
Alba, am Foghar 1513. An dèidh dha taibhse fhaicinn ann an Glinn Iucha, tha Rìgh Seumas a Ceithir dealasach gu falbh air taistealachd a Bhaile Dhubh...