Covering classical cryptography, modern cryptography, and steganography, this volume details how data can be kept secure and private. Each topic is presented and explained by describing various methods, techniques, and algorithms. Moreover, there are numerous helpful examples to reinforce the reader's understanding and expertise with these techniques and methodologies.
Features & Benefits:
* Incorporates both data encryption and data hiding
* Supplies a wealth of exercises and solutions to help readers readily understand the material
* Presents...
Covering classical cryptography, modern cryptography, and steganography, this volume details how data can be kept secure and private. Each topic is...
Computer graphics is important in many areas including engineering design, architecture, education, and computer art and animation. This book examines a wide array of current methods used in creating real-looking objects in the computer, one of the main aims of computer graphics.
Key features:
* Good foundational mathematical introduction to curves and surfaces; no advanced math required
* Topics organized by different interpolation/approximation techniques, each technique providing useful information about curves and surfaces
* Exposition motivated by...
Computer graphics is important in many areas including engineering design, architecture, education, and computer art and animation. This book exami...