Comedy and Critique explores British professional stand-up comedy in the wake of the Alternative Comedy movement of the late twentieth century, seeing it as an extension of the politics of the New Left: standing up for oneself as anti-racist, feminist and open to a queering of self and social institutions. Daniel Smith demonstrates that the comic sensibility pervading contemporary humour is as much `speaking truth to power' as it is realising one's position `in' power. The professionalisation of New Left humour offers a challenge to social and cultural critique. Stand-up comedy has made us...
Comedy and Critique explores British professional stand-up comedy in the wake of the Alternative Comedy movement of the late twentieth century, seeing...
This book provides an ethnographic investigation of the white, upper-middle classes in Britain. It follows the Jack Wills brand to demonstrate how the internal economies of the brand forge a distinctive, elite social network made up of former public-school and Russell Group university students.
This book provides an ethnographic investigation of the white, upper-middle classes in Britain. It follows the Jack Wills brand to demonstrate how the...