A fast paced adventure story based around the central character, who discovers he has a daughter whos son has been abducted to Africa, and then kidnapped by a tribal spirit-man. Josh and Alice face a race against time to rescue four-year old Freddie. They come desperately close to recovering him on several occasions, until in the end they face one last huge challenge. There is an unexpected twist at the end of the story, and a background conflict between angelic and demonic forces that influence the story through out.
A fast paced adventure story based around the central character, who discovers he has a daughter whos son has been abducted to Africa, and then kidnap...
Billy Walker is born to a missionary family in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He runs away from boarding school in Zambia and gets tangled up in the "Simba" conflict. His journey turns into a battle to survive and to outwit a group of commandos who are after him. This graphic adventure story is set in the 1960s and recalls actual events experienced by the author, giving the reader a roller coaster read through the African bush, with a twist in its tail.
Billy Walker is born to a missionary family in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He runs away from boarding school in Zambia and gets tangled up i...