The Amoretti by Edmund Spenser is one of the great Elizabethan cycles of love poetry. The Amoretti cycle of poems is printed here in full, with each sonnet on its own on a page.
This is beautiful poetry, poems of love, full of Spenser's delicate and intricate way with words. Full of vivid imagery, of the natural world, of the seasons, of suns and moons, of days and nights - this is love poetry at its most refined and intelligent.
The Amoretti by Edmund Spenser is one of the great Elizabethan cycles of love poetry. The Amoretti cycle of poems is prin...
Born in London in 1552, Edmund Spenser was educated at Cambridge University, but lived most of his life in Ireland. As a poet, he enjoyed much fame during his lifetime. This collection represents not only The Faerie Queene, but his love sonnets, wedding sonnets, and pastoral eclogues.
Born in London in 1552, Edmund Spenser was educated at Cambridge University, but lived most of his life in Ireland. As a poet, he enjoyed much fame du...