Written to try and show the relationship between the heart and soul and how they share the pain of addiction. The heart wrenching poems depict the trials of doing time in prison and how it breaks the heart and destroys the soul. Written for the purpose of recovery this book also goes into the trials one faces after being released and the joys of a successful recovery.
Written to try and show the relationship between the heart and soul and how they share the pain of addiction. The heart wrenching poems depict the tri...
Offers as never before a view straight into the "heart of an addict." Written by an ex Methamphetamine Manufacturer during his incarnation in state prison. The three primary objectives of this book is to aid addicts in recovery, detour youngsters from ever becoming addicts and to enlighten family members of addicts as to why their loved ones think, feel and act as they do. The beautifully written poems depict a tragic story of one man who sold out all his dreams to the "high" and found himself lost in the revolving door syndrome of prison where he finally gave it all over to God. A must read...
Offers as never before a view straight into the "heart of an addict." Written by an ex Methamphetamine Manufacturer during his incarnation in state pr...
Written by a ex-addict during and after his release from state prison.. A very strong recovery book it is the third in my addiction series. The three things that must be healed to change and become what the Lord intends for us to be is, the heart, mind, and soul. The truth is constantly being altered in order to fit our desires. The heart and soul unite and together they battle our worst enemy; our mind, We must learn to battle this old nemesis with all we are. The poems inside this book tell of one mans struggle with addiction and how it lead him to prison. It is a powerful book full of...
Written by a ex-addict during and after his release from state prison.. A very strong recovery book it is the third in my addiction series. The three ...