The first of The Nobile Folios explores "Bathers 1917 18" by the acclaimed British painter Mark Gertler (1891 ?1939). The painting is set alongside Shaun Levin s original short story Trees at a Sanatorium .
Mark Gertler was born in Spitalfields in London s East End in 1891, the youngest son of Jewish immigrant parents. "Bathers 1917 18 "was painted when Gertler was only 26 and dates from a period of intensive research into Cezanne. Bathers is amongst his seminal works from the World War I period.
Shaun Levin s story Trees at a Sanatorium was written specifically for this publication....
The first of The Nobile Folios explores "Bathers 1917 18" by the acclaimed British painter Mark Gertler (1891 ?1939). The painting is set alongside...