Inspired reflections by Richard Rohr and his colleagues at the Center for Action and Contemplation on how to be a healing presence in the world today, Grace in Action is a hopeful book that looks to the Church community as a positive change agent--a place where justice, healing, love and faith are ushered into a world hungry for meaning and direction.
Inspired reflections by Richard Rohr and his colleagues at the Center for Action and Contemplation on how to be a healing presence in the world today,...
Richard Rohr and Andrea Ebert's runaway best-seller shows both the basic logic of the Enneagram and its harmony with the core truths of Christian thought from the time of the early Church forward.
Richard Rohr and Andrea Ebert's runaway best-seller shows both the basic logic of the Enneagram and its harmony with the core truths of Christian thou...
One of Fr. Rohr's bestselling books, this revised and updated edition explores St. Francis's ancient call to the simple life, where joy, not dry theology, helps us build relationships and find peace in ourselves.
One of Fr. Rohr's bestselling books, this revised and updated edition explores St. Francis's ancient call to the simple life, where joy, not dry theol...
Rohr explains his findings regarding the initiation rites that have been a part of every culture for thousands of years, including the essential lessons that young men learn regarding God.
Rohr explains his findings regarding the initiation rites that have been a part of every culture for thousands of years, including the essential lesso...
Distilling the insights of more than 20 years as a spiritual director, Rorh explores the challenge of authentic spiritual life in our culture and leads readers on a journey of spiritual discovery, examining the meaning of the incarnation, the holiness of sexuality, the challenge of community, the future of religious life, and the daily challenge of faith, hope, and charity.
Distilling the insights of more than 20 years as a spiritual director, Rorh explores the challenge of authentic spiritual life in our culture and lead...
Porzucić stare przyzwyczajenia, wyjść poza utarte schematy, rozpocząć nową życiową podróż. Czy to możliwe? Według Richarda Rohra nie tylko możliwe, ale wręcz konieczne dla osiągnięcia pełnej życiowej dojrzałości.
Książka burzy mit, jakoby druga połowa życia była jedynie wspominaniem pierwszej. Poczucie utraty, które towarzyszy przemijaniu, nie musi być destrukcyjne. Może sprawić, że poddasz się Jedynemu Przewodnikowi i odnajdziesz drogę do prawdziwego pokoju. Życie zaczyna się teraz
Życie zaczyna się po...
Porzucić stare przyzwyczajenia, wyjść poza utarte schematy, rozpocząć nową życiową podróż. Czy to możliw...
Drawn from the many books, writings, and interviews by Rohr, one of the most popular spiritual writers today, this collection introduces many of the teachings for which he has become known, all organized around the central theme of love.
Drawn from the many books, writings, and interviews by Rohr, one of the most popular spiritual writers today, this collection introduces many of the t...
Our fast-paced lives are filled with distractions, frequently leaving us disillusioned and dissatisfied—with ourselves, with others, and even with God. Spiritual practices that used to sustain us fall short when life circumstances bring us to the limits of our self. After many years leading an international humanitarian organization, Phileena Heuertz experienced the deconstruction of her identity, worldview, and faith. Centering prayer, a Christian expression of mindfulness, was a crucial remedy for her fragmented condition, offering a more peace-filled and purposeful life. The hallmarks of...
Our fast-paced lives are filled with distractions, frequently leaving us disillusioned and dissatisfied—with ourselves, with others, and even with G...