The adventures of the Terrahawks, a taskforce responsible for protecting Earth from invasion by a group of extraterrestrial androids and aliens led by Zelda. 1: The Price is Right. 2: Deadly Departed. 3: A Clone of My Own. 4: Clubbed to Death. 5: No Laughing Matter. 6: Timesplit. 7: 101 Seed. 8: Into the Breach. Jeremy Hitchen and Denise Bryer reprise their voice roles from the 1983-1986 original series. Director and producer Jamie Anderson is the son of Gerry Anderson, who created Terrahawks as well as other hit shows such as Captain Scarlet, UFO and Thunderbirds. The Gerry Anderson...
The adventures of the Terrahawks, a taskforce responsible for protecting Earth from invasion by a group of extraterrestrial androids and aliens led by...
Jamie Anderson, Joe Kraemer, Simon Holub, Miranda Raison, Colin Baker
Two thousand years ago, all civilisation on the planet Teymah was wiped out in an AELE - an Anomalous Extinction Level Event. Now, the galactic entrepreneur Lyam Yce hopes, at last, to learn the reason why the ancient Teymahrians went extinct - by funding a huge archaeological dig.
Two thousand years ago, all civilisation on the planet Teymah was wiped out in an AELE - an Anomalous Extinction Level Event. Now, the galactic entrep...