Ian Smillie, Henny Helmich, Judith Randel, Tony German
This unique study from the OECD Development Centre presents a comprehensive review by independent experts of the relationships and division of responsibility between the 22 member governments of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), and NGOs from these donor countries, working in international development. Additional chapters cover the roles of the European Union and the World Bank. Among other themes, the book looks at two very significant issues. First, at the way in which an overemphasis on evaluation may be leading NGOs to focus purely on measuring their output, thus choosing...
This unique study from the OECD Development Centre presents a comprehensive review by independent experts of the relationships and division of respons...
'Mastering the Machine Revisited' is about the connection between poverty, aid and technology. It is about a search that has been going on, officially in the developing world for over forty years, and less officially in most countries since the beginning of time. It is a search driven today by more hard core poverty than has ever been known, and b
'Mastering the Machine Revisited' is about the connection between poverty, aid and technology. It is about a search that has been going on, official...