A brilliant general, remembered most for his defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, Wellington was also a politician of commanding presence. Elected Prime Minister in 1827, he was an influential adviser to kings and queens, and became deeply involved in all the major scandals of the time, delighting in mixing himself up in other people's affairs. Celebrated for his sardonic humor and savage rages which alternated with irresistible charm, he concealed a deep humanity behind a veneer of aloofness that gained him the sobriquet, "the Iron Duke." Filled with fresh insights on aspects of Wellington's life...
A brilliant general, remembered most for his defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, Wellington was also a politician of commanding presence. Elected Prime Mi...
This book is as captivating as the city itself. Hibbert's gift is weaving political, social and art history into an elegantly readable and marvellously lively whole. The author's book on Florence will also be at once a history and a guide book and will be enhanced by splendid photographs and illustrations and line drawings which will describe all teh buildings and treasures of the city.
This book is as captivating as the city itself. Hibbert's gift is weaving political, social and art history into an elegantly readable and marvellousl...
Britský historik Christopher Hibbert vykresluje rozporuplnou osobnost italského fašistického vůdce Benita Mussoliniho s mimořádnou pečlivostí, zároveň čtivě a poučeně, jak je ostatně jeho zvykem. Mussolini se narodil v neděli odpoledne v roce 1888 ve středoitalské vesnici. V sobotu odpoledne v roce 1945 byl zastřelen komunistickými partyzány na břehu Comského jezera. Behem šedesáti dvou let mezi těmito dvěma osudovými odpoledni prožil italský duce život tak dramatický, že se mu v moderních dějinách málokdo vyrovná. Hibbert mapuje Mussoliniho...
Britský historik Christopher Hibbert vykresluje rozporuplnou osobnost italského fašistického vůdce Benita Mussoliniho s mimořádnou pečlivostí...