Subtitled 'The Belated Love Poems of Thean Morris Caelli' - a neglected 20th century poet much influenced by Celan and Vallejo - this collection represents the merging of two fine Australian poets into the consciousness of an other. Or An Other. Both authors worked on each individual text, and thus it is a true joint effort, not simply a kind of book-length renga. A remarkable departure for two of the finest poets from Australia's current middle generation.
Subtitled 'The Belated Love Poems of Thean Morris Caelli' - a neglected 20th century poet much influenced by Celan and Vallejo - this collection repre...
Jose Kozer was born in 1940 in Havana, Cuba, of Jewish parents who had emigrated from Poland and Czechoslovakia. He left his native land in 1960, lived in New York until 1997, when he retired as full Professor from Queens College, where he had taught Spanish and Latin American literature for thirty-two years. After living for two years in Spain, he then moved to Florida. His poetry has been translated into many languages, has been widely anthologised and has appeared in literary journals all over the world. His work is the subject of several master's and doctoral dissertations, and has been...
Jose Kozer was born in 1940 in Havana, Cuba, of Jewish parents who had emigrated from Poland and Czechoslovakia. He left his native land in 1960, live...