Kai Michels, Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse, Andreas Nürnberger
"Fuzzy Control - the revolutionary computer technology that is changing our world" - these and other headlines could be read when in the early 90's news from Japan came over telling us about the success of fuzzy controllers. The idea which was put into practice had been suggested by Lot? A. Zadeh in Berkeley in 1965. It had been developed and tested in some practical - plications, especially in Europe. In Japan fuzzy control was celebrated as a technology re?ecting the Japanese way of thinking by its unsharpness and - plicitoverlappingofseveralstatements. Anewtechnologyboomwaspredicted for...
"Fuzzy Control - the revolutionary computer technology that is changing our world" - these and other headlines could be read when in the early 90's ne...
Kai Michels, Frank Klawonn, Rudolf Kruse, Andreas Nürnberger
"Fuzzy Control - the revolutionary computer technology that is changing our world" - these and other headlines could be read when in the early 90's news from Japan came over telling us about the success of fuzzy controllers. The idea which was put into practice had been suggested by Lot? A. Zadeh in Berkeley in 1965. It had been developed and tested in some practical - plications, especially in Europe. In Japan fuzzy control was celebrated as a technology re?ecting the Japanese way of thinking by its unsharpness and - plicitoverlappingofseveralstatements. Anewtechnologyboomwaspredicted for...
"Fuzzy Control - the revolutionary computer technology that is changing our world" - these and other headlines could be read when in the early 90's ne...
Computergrafik umfasst die Erzeugung und Darstellung von einfachen Grafikelementen und Bildern bis hin zur Virtual Reality. Die Anwendung dieser Techniken profitiert von einem soliden Verständnis der entsprechenden Grundlagen. Das erfolgreiche Buch von Prof. Klawonn, das jetzt bereits in der dritten Auflage vorliegt, vermittelt genau das - verständlich und nachvollziehbar. Prof. Klawonn erläutert die wesentlichen Konzepte an konkreten Beispielen und bedient sich dabei der einfachen Sprachmittel der Javaprogrammierung. Die Umsetzung erfolgt praktisch mit Java 2D und Java 3D. Auch zur...
Computergrafik umfasst die Erzeugung und Darstellung von einfachen Grafikelementen und Bildern bis hin zur Virtual Reality. Die Anwendung dieser Techn...