In this small, luminous memoir, Patti Smith revisits the most sacred experiences of her early years, with truths so vivid they border on the surreal. The author entwines her childhood self with memories both real and envisioned from her twenties on New York's MacDougal Street, the street of cafes.
In this small, luminous memoir, Patti Smith revisits the most sacred experiences of her early years, with truths so vivid they border on the surreal. ...
A revised and updated version of the artist’s collected lyrics An American original, Patti Smith is a multi-disciplined artist and performer. Her work is rooted in poetry, which infused her 1975 landmark album, Horses. A declaration of existence, Horses was described as ‘three chords merged with the power of the word’; it was graced with the now iconic portrait by Robert Mapplethorpe, the subject of her award-winning memoir Just Kids. Initially published in 1998, Patti Smith’s Complete Lyrics was a testimony to her uncompromising poetic power. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of...
A revised and updated version of the artist’s collected lyrics An American original, Patti Smith is a multi-disciplined artist and performer. Her w...
Proč člověk píše? Takovou otázku si klade básnířka, spisovatelka a hudebnice Patti Smith ve svém eseji. Ve vyprávění, jaké čtenář zná z její poslední knihy M Train, nás opět zavádí do svých běžných dní. Provází nás ulicemi Paříže, kde na návštěvě u svého nakladatele Gallimarda vzpomíná na Modiana, Camuse, Nabokova, Mišimu; vede nás do přímořského městečka Sete, kam cestuje vlakem na představení své knihy, do rodinné vily Alberta Camuse, kam dorazí na osobní pozvání jeho dcery, a především opět „dovnitř“ svých denních...
Proč člověk píše? Takovou otázku si klade básnířka, spisovatelka a hudebnice Patti Smith ve svém eseji. Ve vyprávění, jaké čtenář zn...
The National Book Award–winner Patti Smith updates her treasure box of a childhood memoir about “clear unspeakable joy” and “just the wish to know” with a radiant new afterword, written during the pandemic and reflecting on current times. This expanded paperback edition also includes new photographs by the author. A great book about becoming an artist, Woolgathering tells of a child finding herself as she learns the noble vocation of woolgathering, “a worthy calling that seemed a good job for me.” She discovers—often at night, often in nature—the pleasures of...
The National Book Award–winner Patti Smith updates her treasure box of a childhood memoir about “clear unspeakable joy” and “just the wish to ...