After the Oates family moves to Newfoundland, a dark creature kidnaps Beth, the youngest child. To find her, Beth’s siblings Ben and Lynn venture into a mystical world called the Elphyne. The Oates family moves to their ancestral home in Newfoundland following a pair of tragedies.They arrive at their grandmother’s house, where they reunite with their orphaned cousin. Shortly after arriving, Beth, the youngest sibling, is kidnapped by a dark, monstrous creature. Her older siblings set out to find her and bring her back, finding themselves in the Elphyne—a magical world that exists...
After the Oates family moves to Newfoundland, a dark creature kidnaps Beth, the youngest child. To find her, Beth’s siblings Ben and Lynn venture in...
This book argues for a durational cinema that is distinct from slow cinema, and outlines the history of its three main waves: the New York avant-garde of the 1960s, the European art cinema in the years after 1968, and the international cinema of gallery spaces as well as film festivals since the 1990s. Figures studied include Andy Warhol, Ken Jacobs, Chantal Akerman, Marguerite Duras, Claude Lanzmann, James Benning, Kevin Jerome Everson, Lav Diaz, and Wang Bing.Durational cinema is predominantly minimal, but has from the beginning also included a more encompassing or encyclopedic kind of...
This book argues for a durational cinema that is distinct from slow cinema, and outlines the history of its three main waves: the New York avant-ga...