Includes A Summer's Day, Dream of Autumn and Winter
These three seasonal plays are typical Fosse, imbuing apparently mundane situations with an almost hypnotic intensity. In A Summer's Day, an old widow remembers the day, many years before, when her husband went out to sea in a terrible storm.
In a series of continuous but chronologically distinct scenes, Dream of Autumn shows a man unexpectedly meeting an old friend: she will become his second wife, and cause him to fall out with his family.
In Winter a fascinating but mercurial woman tries to seduce a businessman, but once he has...
Includes A Summer's Day, Dream of Autumn and Winter
These three seasonal plays are typical Fosse, imbuing apparently mundane situation...
Includes the plays Suzannah, Living Secretly, The Dead Dogs, A Red Butterfly's Wings, Warm, Telemakos and Sleep
In their different ways, these plays are existential suspense stories, centred around a common concept of time. The past is recreated through present moments, the future hinted at through shared memories, yet experienced from different perspectives. Fosse’s drama explores life lived in unexpected ways, with a sense of otherness pervading the present and colouring the characters’ relationships.
The whole life of Suzannah Ibsen unfolds as she waits for her playwriting...
Includes the plays Suzannah, Living Secretly, The Dead Dogs, A Red Butterfly's Wings, Warm, Telemakos and Sleep
Rozsahem nevelká kniha, která se díky svému jazyku a rytmizaci pohybuje na samé hranici poezie, patří v nejlepším slova smyslu k typickým dílům Jona Fosseho, laureáta Nobelovy ceny za literaturu (2023). Sledujeme příběh staré ženy, jejíž manžel před lety vyjel na neklidné moře a již se nevrátil, příběh o životě několika generací jedné rodiny uprostřed lidmi opuštěné krajiny fjordů. Sugestivní mistrovská próza vypráví o osudové přitažlivosti nebezpečí, o lásce, která skončila příliš brzy, o vyrovnání se ztrátou, o hledání smyslu...
Rozsahem nevelká kniha, která se díky svému jazyku a rytmizaci pohybuje na samé hranici poezie, patří v nejlepším slova smyslu k typickým d...