Immanuel Kant, J. B. Schneewind (The Johns Hopkins University), Peter Heath (University of Virginia)
This volume contains four versions of the lecture notes taken by Kant's students of his university courses in ethics given regularly over a period of some thirty years. The notes are very complete and expound not only Kant's views on ethics but many of his opinions on life and human nature. Much of this material has never before been translated into English. As with other volumes in the series, there are copious linguistic and explanatory notes and a glossary of key terms.
This volume contains four versions of the lecture notes taken by Kant's students of his university courses in ethics given regularly over a period of ...
A revision of the Library of Liberal Arts edition of 1965.
This volume offers the complete text of Kant s Metaphysics of Morals, Part I, translated by John Ladd, along with Ladd s illuminating Introduction to the first edition, expanded to include discussion of such issues as Kant's conception of marriage and its relevance to his view of women. An updated bibliography, glossary, and index are also provided."
A revision of the Library of Liberal Arts edition of 1965.
This volume offers the complete text of Kant s Metaphysics of Morals, Part I, translat...
The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Immanuel Kant's three critiques, first published in 1788. It follows on from his Critique of Pure Reason and deals with his moral philosophy. The second Critique exercised a decisive influence over the subsequent development of the field of ethics and moral philosophy, beginning with Fichte's Doctrine of Science and becoming, during the 20th century, the principal reference point for every moral philosophy of a deontological stamp.
The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Immanuel Kant's three critiques, first published in 1788. It follows on from his Critique of Pure Re...
Immanuel Kant, Curtis Bowman, Frederick Rauscher (Michigan State University), Paul Guyer (Jonathan Nelson Professor of H
This volume provides an extensive translation of the notes and fragments that survived Kant's death in 1804. These include marginalia, lecture notes, and sketches and drafts for his published works. They are important as an indispensable resource for understanding Kant's intellectual development and published works, casting fresh light on Kant's conception of his own philosophical methods and his relations to his predecessors, as well as on central doctrines of his work such as the theory of space, time and categories, the refutations of scepticism and metaphysical dogmatism, the theory of...
This volume provides an extensive translation of the notes and fragments that survived Kant's death in 1804. These include marginalia, lecture notes, ...
Die folgende Skizze, die zum erstenmal Kants religiose Entwicklung im Zusammenhang darzustellen unternimmt, war auf weit verstreutes Material angewiesen. Zuverlassigste Quelle fur die Zeit von Beginn seiner literarischen Tatigkeit an sind naturlich die Werke, einschlielich des Nachlasses, der Vorlesungen und des Briefwechsels. Der Verlag der Wissenschaften verlegt historische Literatur bekannter und unbekannter wissenschaftlicher Autoren. Dem interessierten Leser werden so teilweise langst nicht mehr verlegte Werke wieder zugangig gemacht. Dieses Buch uber die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen...
Die folgende Skizze, die zum erstenmal Kants religiose Entwicklung im Zusammenhang darzustellen unternimmt, war auf weit verstreutes Material angewies...
Immanuel Kant: Prolegomena zu einer jeden kunftigen Metaphysik Erstdruck: Riga (Hartknoch) 1783. Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Immanuel Kant: Werke in zwolf Banden. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Weischedel. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1977. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgefuhrt. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt.
Immanuel Kant: Prolegomena zu einer jeden kunftigen Metaphysik Erstdruck: Riga (Hartknoch) 1783. Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgeg...