On a crowded bus at midday, Raymond Queneau observes one man accusing another of jostling him deliberately. When a seat is vacated, the first man appropriates it. Later, in another part of town, Queneau sees the man being advised by a friend to sew a new button on his overcoat.
Exercises in Style Queneau s experimental masterpiece and a hallmark book of the Oulipo literary group retells this unexceptional tale ninety-nine times, employing the sonnet and the alexandrine, onomatopoeia and Cockney. An Abusive chapter heartily deplores the events; Opera English lends them...
On a crowded bus at midday, Raymond Queneau observes one man accusing another of jostling him deliberately. When a seat is vacated, the first man a...
On a crowded bus at midday, the narrator observes one man accusing another of jostling him deliberately. When a seat is vacated, the first man takes it. Later, in another part of town, the man is spotted again. 'Exercises in Style' retells this apparently unremarkable tale 99 times, employing a variety of styles.
On a crowded bus at midday, the narrator observes one man accusing another of jostling him deliberately. When a seat is vacated, the first man takes i...
The Blue Flowers follows two unlikely characters: Cidrolin, who alternates between drinking and napping on a barge parked along the Seine in the 1960s, and the Duke d’Auge as he rages through history—about 700 years of it—refusing to crusade, clobbering his king with a cannon, and dabbling in alchemy. But is it just a coincidence that the Duke appears only when Cidrolin is dozing? And vice versa? As Raymond Queneau explains: “There is an old Chinese saying: ‘I dream that I am a butterfly and pray there is a butterfly dreaming he is me.’ The same can be said of the characters in...
The Blue Flowers follows two unlikely characters: Cidrolin, who alternates between drinking and napping on a barge parked along the Seine in the 1960s...
Poslední dny jsou autobiografickou novelou Raymonda Queneaua, v níž líčí studentský život v Paříži 20. let.
Vincent Tuquedenne se snaží věnovat jak milované četbě, tak poněkud sterilnímu studiu, protože doufá, že se v knihách dozví, jak se vymanit z maloměšťáckého prostředí, v němž žije a jež ho svírá. Vincent a jeho generace se nacházejí v protikladu ke starší generaci učitelů v důchodu a drobných podvodníčků. Obě generace jsou vystaveny hloubavému zraku Alfreda, číšníka v kavárně U měchu, jehož neomylná astrologická metoda...
Poslední dny jsou autobiografickou novelou Raymonda Queneaua, v níž líčí studentský život v Paříži 20. let.
A story of the siege of a small post office by a group of rebels, who discover to their embarrassment that a female postal clerk, Gertie Girdle, is still in the lavatory some time after they have shot or expelled the rest of the staff.
A story of the siege of a small post office by a group of rebels, who discover to their embarrassment that a female postal clerk, Gertie Girdle, is st...