..".presents a powerful case for anthropology that provides a full and whole account of the contemporary world, as well as some dilemmas...Taken together, the different approaches and case studies presented in this volume amount to an important and refreshing perspective...showing how contemporary social anthropology, with its] 'interdisciplinary turn, ' offers explanations that can help us understand the interplay of culture, society, biology, genetics, and ecology." -JRAI
Given the broad reach of anthropology as the science of humankind, there are times when the subject fragments...
..".presents a powerful case for anthropology that provides a full and whole account of the contemporary world, as well as some dilemmas...Taken to...
This reference book gives a detailed assessment of the status and distribution of every species of bird on the British and Irish lists. It also covers each subspecies known to have occurred on our islands.
This reference book gives a detailed assessment of the status and distribution of every species of bird on the British and Irish lists. It also covers...
"This book...presents a powerful case for anthropology that provides a full and whole account of the contemporary world, as well as some dilemmas...Taken together, the different approaches and case studies presented in this volume amount to an important and refreshing perspective...showing how contemporary social anthropology, with its] 'interdisciplinary turn', offers explanations that can help us understand the interplay of culture, society, biology, genetics, and ecology." - JRAI
..".provides some fine examples of ways that anthropology can capture and hold valuable ground in the...
"This book...presents a powerful case for anthropology that provides a full and whole account of the contemporary world, as well as some dilemmas...Ta...
The line between what is regarded by people as "traditional" and "modern" is constantly being altered by new configurations of power. These essays examine the ways in which such changes are both communicated and created through cultural performances in diverse ethnographic settings. Examples are drawn from a wide range of forms and expressions: divinatory sequences, spirit possession rites, state ceremonials, village feasts, pilgrimages, language-use and craft specialisms. It was Abner Cohen, to whom this volume is dedicated, who first suggested that a dialectical relationship existed between...
The line between what is regarded by people as "traditional" and "modern" is constantly being altered by new configurations of power. These essays exa...