This volume of Research in Competence-Based Management focuses on a range of fundamental issues in developing competence-base theory and in undertaking competence-based research intended to contribute to management theory development. The first papers in this volume revisit and reappraise a number of foundational competence ideas, concepts, and research themes to suggest a number of conceptual distinctions and clarifications that would be useful in further theory development. Following papers assess the areas in which restatements or extensions of current competence theory may be needed or...
This volume of Research in Competence-Based Management focuses on a range of fundamental issues in developing competence-base theory and in undertakin...
This volume of papers develops the competence perspective on learning and dynamic capabilities development. The first two papers explore how organizational competence and dynamic capabilities can support the competitive position of a firm. The next two papers are devoted to strategic, organizational, and behavioral perspectives on processes of competence development. The final four papers explore the intellectual challenges that managers face in striking a strategic balance between processes of competence building and competence leveraging. Taken together, the papers in this volume provide a...
This volume of papers develops the competence perspective on learning and dynamic capabilities development. The first two papers explore how organizat...
Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice considers the potential of autopoiesis theory to provide a new unifying framework for the study of organizations as systems and of organizational phenomena as emergent phenomena. The papers in this volume integrate open systems theory with the pioneering work of Maturana and Varela (1980, 1992) on autopoiesis in biological systems. Viewing organizations as living systems opens a powerful new perspective for describing, explaining, and even predicting organizational phenomena across the full spectrum of organizations and environments, from stable...
Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice considers the potential of autopoiesis theory to provide a new unifying framework for the study of org...
This book focuses on the concept and role of relational practices as a way to understand and study processes of organizing. Relational practices are conceived as an ongoing, everyday process resulting in more participative ways of organizing. Participative organizing works from and with the multiplicity of interactions inherent in processes of becoming; it reflects upon and experiments with how the diversity of participants and interactions can provide the potential for defining and redefining organizational realities. A" Through reflective essays and empirical research examples, this book...
This book focuses on the concept and role of relational practices as a way to understand and study processes of organizing. Relational practices are c...
The papers in volume 6 of Research in Competence-Based Management identify, elaborate theoretically, and investigate empirically a number of new kinds of dynamics in industries and product markets. In so doing, the papers develop some important new competence perspectives on both traditional and contemporary industry dynamics. Most approaches to developing competence theory have adopted an "inside-out" approach, i.e. micro-level analyses of sources of organizational competence lead to theory that predicts industry-level interactions and outcomes. The papers in this volume, however, largely...
The papers in volume 6 of Research in Competence-Based Management identify, elaborate theoretically, and investigate empirically a number of new kinds...
This volume explores ways in which an organization's existing competences can be enhanced as sources of competitive advantage - either enduring or intendedly transitional. Competence enhancing activities considered include political lobbying to extend the lifetime and value of a firm's competences, expanding services to enhance the value of manufacturing capabilities, initiating knowledge management projects, strategically adapting a firm's governance structures to take advantage of government policy initiatives, staging development of competences in internationalization processes, improving...
This volume explores ways in which an organization's existing competences can be enhanced as sources of competitive advantage - either enduring or int...
Features a collection of papers that explores the challenges in identifying, building, and linking competences within and between organizations. This title includes a paper that describes a facilitated process through which managers may identify an organization's competences. It also explains basic issues in building organizational competence.
Features a collection of papers that explores the challenges in identifying, building, and linking competences within and between organizations. This ...
Changing business environments challenge established management ideas and practices. This volume draws on competence-based theory to identify and elaborate some important ways in which organizational competences are evolving - or should evolve - to respond to some fundamental forms of change in business environments. Part I of the volume examines some key elements of emerging business models and strategies, including the impacts of cloud computing on international business models. Part II examines the kinds of new capabilities firms will need to develop to become competent in their new...
Changing business environments challenge established management ideas and practices. This volume draws on competence-based theory to identify and elab...