It is too often assumed that religious heterodoxy before the Enlightenment led inexorably to intellectual secularisation. Challenging that assumption, this book expands the scope of the enquiry, hitherto concentrated on the relation between heterodoxy and natural philosophy, to include political thought, moral philosophy and the writing of history. Individual chapters are devoted to Grotius, the Dutch Remonstrants and Socinianism, to Hobbes, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke, Dutch Collegiants and English Unitarians, Giambattista Vico, Conyers Middleton, and David Hume. In their opening essay the...
It is too often assumed that religious heterodoxy before the Enlightenment led inexorably to intellectual secularisation. Challenging that assumption,...
Ecology and economics share a common root: the Greek word oikos, meaning a house. Ecology is the way the natural world manages its house. Economics is the way society manages its house. The contentions of this book are that the natural world is the best guide to our economic activities, that supply and demand are insufficient determinants, that profit and loss are not alternatives, that wealth cannot be created but can be lost. Ecological economics is a term that has been coined to encapsulate these ideas. We can stop throwing away food before and after it gets to the table. We can...
Ecology and economics share a common root: the Greek word oikos, meaning a house. Ecology is the way the natural world manages its house. Economics ...
V městečku Kostokřupy, věčně utopeném v mlze, dojde k neštěstí: Adéla a jeho sestra osiří. Ano, čtete správně: kluk jménem Adéla, takhle ho pojmenoval jeho táta. A Adélově sestře nedal jméno vůbec, tvářil se, jako by dceru ani neměl. Byl to zkrátka kruťas, povoláním vůdce gangu Ničitelů, kterého se bálo celé městečko. Takže by si zasloužil, aby z něj někdo udělal fašírku. A přesně to se také stalo – takže to vlastně až takové neštěstí nebylo. Z činu jsou ovšem podezřelí nebozí sourozenci. Nezbývá jim než se dát na útěk –...
V městečku Kostokřupy, věčně utopeném v mlze, dojde k neštěstí: Adéla a jeho sestra osiří. Ano, čtete správně: kluk jménem Adéla, ta...
The world is becoming a busy noisy place and it is good to find a pastime that creates a different space, another dimension. Our paintings mean a lot to us because they remind us of lovely places we have visited and enable us to remember them in detail. It takes time to study the colours and contours of a scene. It may be that the drawing is an inadequate representation of the three dimensional scene spread out before us, how can it be anything else, but the process of trying to represent it on the two dimensions of the blank page is intellectually rewarding. The emerging picture is not just...
The world is becoming a busy noisy place and it is good to find a pastime that creates a different space, another dimension. Our paintings mean a lot ...