On Benefits (De Beneficiis) is a first-century work by Lucius Annaeus Seneca. It forms part of a series of moral essays (or Dialogues) composed by Seneca and is essential reading for students of Stoicism. On Benefits is about the nature of relative benefits to persons fulfilling the role in social exchange of either giver or receiver. The subject in Seneca's day might be thought of as social ethics, specifically Stoic ethics.
On Benefits (De Beneficiis) is a first-century work by Lucius Annaeus Seneca. It forms part of a series of moral essays (or Dialogues) composed by Sen...
De Brevitate Vitae (frequently referred to as On the Shortness of Life in English) is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philosopher, to his father-in-law Paulinus. The philosopher brings up many Stoic principles on the nature of time, namely that men waste much of it in meaningless pursuits. According to the essay, nature gives man enough time to do what is really important and the individual must allot it properly. In general, time can be best used in the study of philosophy, according to Seneca. This essay has been carefully adapted into a contemporary form to allow...
De Brevitate Vitae (frequently referred to as On the Shortness of Life in English) is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, a Roman Stoic philo...
Jaký je smysl života, v čem spočívá pravé štěstí, jak dosáhnout trvalé radosti, neohrožené mysli a moudrosti, jak žít, ale také jak zemřít, to jsou základní témata a otázky nejznámějšího a nejčtenějšího Senekova díla, které vzniklo před téměř dvěma tisíci lety a které se nyní poprvé v úplnosti dostává k českému čtenáři. Jeden z nejcitovanějších autorů všech dob v něm prostřednictvím dopisů adresovaných svému příteli Luciliovi Iuniorovi odpovídá na základní otázky lidské existence a nabízí klíč k tomu, jak se stát...
Jaký je smysl života, v čem spočívá pravé štěstí, jak dosáhnout trvalé radosti, neohrožené mysli a moudrosti, jak žít, ale také jak z...