These major writings on the ideology and practice of anarchism have a special value in showing the Marxist position against anarchism. Marx and Engels center their attack upon the followers of Bakunin, while Lenin's writings are devoted largely to syndicalist and "economist" trends in the labor movement, and to sectarian and "leftist" tendencies in the Communist movement during and after the Russian revolution of 1917. This collection was originally published in the Soviet Union in 1972.
These major writings on the ideology and practice of anarchism have a special value in showing the Marxist position against anarchism. Marx and Engels...
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung
die Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe ist die historisch-kritische Edition samtlicher Veroffentlichungen, nachgelassenen Manuskripte und Entwurfe sowie der Korrespondenz von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels. Zu den bereits bekannten Schriften, Artikeln und Briefen - erstmals auch der an sie gerichteten Briefe - kommen eine Reihe bisher unveroffentlichter bzw. neu entdeckter Arbeiten hinzu. Durch Autorenschaftsanalysen konnte die Urheberschaft von Marx oder Engels an zahlreichen Texten neu bestimmt werden. Die Textwiedergabe erfolgt auf Grundlage der Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke. Unvollendete...
die Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe ist die historisch-kritische Edition samtlicher Veroffentlichungen, nachgelassenen Manuskripte und Entwurfe sowie der Ko...
Book one of the all time capitalist classic 'The Wealth of Nations' and the complete 'Manifesto of the Communist Party, together in one edition at a great price.
Book one of the all time capitalist classic 'The Wealth of Nations' and the complete 'Manifesto of the Communist Party, together in one edition at a g...
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is one of Karl Marx' most profound and most brilliant monographs. It may be considered the best work extant on the philosophy of history with an eye especially upon the history of the Movement of the Proletariat together with the bourgeois and other manifestations that accompany the same and the tactics that such conditions dictate. (Excerpt from Preface)
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is one of Karl Marx' most profound and most brilliant monographs. It may be considered the best work extan...
The present volume consists of a translation of some of Karl Marxs principal writings during the six years 1844-1850.*** In 1843 Marx was twenty-five years old. He had just married, apparently on the strength of the modest salary he was to receive for editing, jointly with Arnold Ruge, a periodical called the Deutsch-Franzoesische Jahrbuecher (Franco-German Annuals), the purpose of which was to promote the union of German philosophy with French social science. Only one double-number of this journal appeared in 1844. It contained Marxs criticism of the Hegelian Philosophy of Right and his...
The present volume consists of a translation of some of Karl Marxs principal writings during the six years 1844-1850.*** In 1843 Marx was twenty-five ...
In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Marx explains how, under capitalism, people rely on labor to live. In the past people could rely on Nature itself for their natural needs; in modern society, if one wants to eat, one must work: it is only through money that one may survive. Thus, man becomes a slave to his wages. It is only through his work that he can find enough money to continue to live; but he doesn't simply live, he actually only survives, as a worker. Labor is only used to create more wealth, instead of achieving the fulfillment of human nature. Wilder Publications is...
In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Marx explains how, under capitalism, people rely on labor to live. In the past people could rely o...
Diese auch als Pariser Manuskripte bekannten Notizen sind bis in die 1920er-Jahre unentdeckt geblieben. Sie skizzieren bereits - wenn auch in philosophischem Gewand - Marx' Einsichten zur Kritik der Nationalokonomie, die er spater im Kapital mit gescharftem okonomischen Blick ausarbeitete. Die Worte des jungen Marx' vermogen gerade ihren heutigen Leser tief zu erschuttern (oder peinlich zu beruhren), fuhren sie doch uber einen Vergleich mit der aktuellen Wirtschaftsordnung vor Augen, was das Proletariat nicht erreicht hat, wie sehr es sich global in dieselbe Misere verstrickt findet. Zugleich...
Diese auch als Pariser Manuskripte bekannten Notizen sind bis in die 1920er-Jahre unentdeckt geblieben. Sie skizzieren bereits - wenn auch in philosop...
The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and is written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is without doubt one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. The text was commissioned by the Communist League to explain the League's aims and ideals. It analyses the problems of capitalism and the class system throughout history. It is a philosophical text, explaining the authors' theories about the nature of society and politics. However, there are also some predictions about how capitalism would morph into socialism and then Communism.
The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and is written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is without doubt one of the world's most influentia...