Valor Infinity: The Role-Playing Game,the brainchild of Rob Hoffman and Mike Avery, is a futuristic science fiction/fantasy tabletop Role-Playing Game that takes place in the Pendulum System centered on a planet named Evander. The game focuses on a variety of human and alien species that respond to an emergency distress beacon to find a mysterious planet that is ripe for colonization. The game blends old world fantasy, steampunk societies, and technologically advanced space organizations into a seamless role-playing experience.
Valor Infinity: The Role-Playing Game,the brainchild of Rob Hoffman and Mike Avery, is a futuristic science fiction/fantasy tabletop Role-Playing Game...
Thousands of years into the future a solitary distress beacon broadcasts throughout the Pendulum System desperately asking for help. The broadcast leads dozens of human and alien races to a huge, largely uninhabited planet called Evander. A long abandoned super city spans the equator of the planet hiding advanced technology and a multitude of resources. For many Evander is a new beginning, for others it is a potential payday and another planet to exploit, for all it is a hazardous journey that can bring unlimited success or severe misfortune. Do you have what it takes to survive and...
Thousands of years into the future a solitary distress beacon broadcasts throughout the Pendulum System desperately asking for help. The broadcast le...