Jason T. L. Wang, Mohammed J. Zaki, Hannu Toivonen, Dennis Shasha
8. 1. 1 Protein Subcellular Location The life sciences have entered the post-genome era where the focus of biologicalresearchhasshiftedfromgenomesequencestoproteinfunctionality. Withwhole-genomedraftsofmouseandhumaninhand, scientistsareputting more and more e?ort into obtaining information about the entire proteome in a given cell type. The properties of a protein include its amino acid sequences, its expression levels under various developmental stages and in di?erenttissues, its3Dstructureandactivesites, itsfunctionalandstructural binding partners, and its subcellular location. Protein...
8. 1. 1 Protein Subcellular Location The life sciences have entered the post-genome era where the focus of biologicalresearchhasshiftedfromgenomeseque...