It's tough being evil when you have to pay the rent This comical tale of a demon-lord-turned-fry-slinger follows the daily travails of (former) Devil King Sadao Maou and his general Shiro Ashiya as they navigate the complexities of life in modern-day Tokyo. Having suffered utter defeat at the hands of a plucky hero, they've been banished to earth and stripped of magical power. And if that wasn't enough, that pesky hero is still hell bent on finishing the job. Artist Akio Hiiragi brings Satoshi Wagahara's story to hilarious life in this manga adaptation of the hit light novel series. It turns...
It's tough being evil when you have to pay the rent This comical tale of a demon-lord-turned-fry-slinger follows the daily travails of (former) Devil...
Do you want fries with your hellfire? A portal opens in the courtyard of the Devil's Castle (a tiny walk-up). From it emerges a little girl who calls the Devil King "papa" and the Hero "mama." Ashiya and Chiho are shocked to discover that Maou and Emi had that kind of relationship, but nobody's more surprised than the two new "parents." Will Maou the breadwinner be able to make the grade when it comes to child rearing? And will this spell the end of the starry-eyed Emi's romantic ambitions?
Do you want fries with your hellfire? A portal opens in the courtyard of the Devil's Castle (a tiny walk-up). From it emerges a little girl who ca...