The second sophisticated and dark installment in Jake Woodhouse's Amsterdam Quartet, featuring returning series character Inspector Jaap Rykel 'Does for Amsterdam What Rankin Did for Edinburgh' Crime Thriller Hound. A body is found on a rooftop, the dead man's hands blowtorched, his head removed. The man tasked with tracking down the killer is Amsterdam Inspector Jaap Rykel. But as he searches the headless body for clues Rykel finds something which makes his blood run cold - a picture of himself on the victim's phone. And then a message from the killer reveals the location of a second...
The second sophisticated and dark installment in Jake Woodhouse's Amsterdam Quartet, featuring returning series character Inspector Jaap Rykel 'Does f...
A body is found hanging on a hook above the canals of Amsterdam's old town, a mobile phone forced into the victim's mouth. In a remote coastal village, a doll lies in the ashes of a burnt-down house. But the couple who died in the fire had no children of their own. Did a little girl escape the blaze? And, if so, who is she and where is she now?
A body is found hanging on a hook above the canals of Amsterdam's old town, a mobile phone forced into the victim's mouth. In a remote coastal village...