In this thought-provoking book Niels akerstrom Andersen uses a unique combination of deconstruction, systems theory and discourse theory to critically discuss topics such as the management of feelings, partnerships as second order promises, and work-life balance as an immune defense against over-socialized employees. He assesses the parallels between layoffs in intimate organizations and modern professional divorce discourses, and explores the dichotomy of double-bounded management commanding both 'do as I say' and 'be autonomous'. In so doing, Professor Andersen encourages the reader to look...
In this thought-provoking book Niels akerstrom Andersen uses a unique combination of deconstruction, systems theory and discourse theory to critically...
This book is about how power communication inrecent years hasbegun to reflect on its own limits in a new way. It focuseson a number of areas within the welfare state and how power desires non-power. It looks at financial policy, voluntary policy, educational policy and public steering technologies.
This book is about how power communication inrecent years hasbegun to reflect on its own limits in a new way. It focuseson a number of areas within th...