This greatly expanded 2nd edition provides a practical introduction to
- data processing with Linux tools and the programming languages AWK and Perl
- data management with the relational database system MySQL, and
- data analysis and visualization with the statistical computing environment R
for students and practitioners in the life sciences. Although written for beginners, experienced researchers in areas involving bioinformatics and computational biology may benefit from numerous tips and tricks that help to process, filter and format large datasets. Learning...
This greatly expanded 2nd edition provides a practical introduction to
- data processing with Linux tools and the programming languages AWK ...
In its revised and extended second edition, this book covers the basics of bioinformatics/information technology: programming with Bash, Sed and AWK, and the respective terminology. Case studies, exercises with solutions and worked-out examples are included.
In its revised and extended second edition, this book covers the basics of bioinformatics/information technology: programming with Bash, Sed and AWK, ...